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The best way to get the attention of your target group is to achieve a high position in Google. With search engine advertising you do exactly this! The name actually gives it away: you advertise your website in Google's search results. Of course this is for a fee, but the result is more than worth it. By inserting your search engine advertisements correctly, you will achieve your marketing objectives.

How does search engine advertising work?

Effective search engine advertising can be quite difficult unless you understand how it works. The first important step in understanding this is to realize that the advertisement is not about you, but about your customer. So you also want to tailor your advertisements to your customer's wishes. You do this in different areas, keeping your objectives in mind. If you want to attract more visitors to your website, you speak with a different tone of voice than when you want to activate someone to make a purchase or subscribe to a newsletter.

In order to advertise, you first need a Google Business profile. Fortunately, this connection was made quickly and is very useful anyway, because you do not only use this profile for search engine advertising, for example for Google Analytics. With this tool you collect useful data that can, for example, help you determine which pages you want to advertise on.

What can you advertise in search engines?

When you want to advertise in search engines, you are faced with many different options. Because you want to respond to your customer as best as possible, this is very useful, because more variation is possible. We explain the following ad types for you!

Google Ads is Google's Search Engine Advertising tool that allows you to advertise directly in the search engine results. Advertising in Google Ads is relatively simple: you determine the search terms, set a budget, create an advertisement and then measure the results achieved.

With Google Shopping you, as an online store, can promote your products at the top of the search results. Google Shopping searches various online stores and compares the results. This way of advertising is very effective, because it does not look like an advertisement, but it seems to the customer as if they can shop immediately. By organizing your advertisement correctly, this is, so to speak, the case.

Display advertising means that you advertise using banners. With Display Ads you generate plenty of attention for your company, product or service with the help of an attractively designed advertisement in banner form. These banners can be found all over the internet: try visiting a page yourself without encountering advertisements of any kind.

With Marktplaats Admarkt you can advertise directly at the top of the Marktplaats search results. This tool also works based on the cost-per-click model and offers the option to set a maximum rate in advance. Very effective, because you are advertising here to a target group that is ready to make an immediate purchase.

Microsoft Ads is the alternative to Google Ads and is characterized by lower bidding rates and a different target group. Microsoft Ads was previously also known as Bing Ads. Despite the fact that Bing has a much smaller market share than Google, this advertising option is very interesting, because Microsoft refers to Bing a lot.

With Affiliate Marketing you advertise directly on popular pages. These pages are part of your network; there is also a matter of whatever is necessary. To implement this form of marketing correctly, you need a strong affiliate network, so that you can reach your target group all over the internet and direct them to your website.

Why search engine advertising will also work in 2024

Search engines are getting smarter, which means they can help customers better and better find what they want. The result of this is that search engines are still used more often, with Google leading the way. With constant updates, Google continues to improve the experience for its users: an active attitude is therefore also required in 2024.

Performance Max is expected to continue to develop rapidly. To stay ahead, it's important to stay up-to-date on the most important updates to this Google Ads campaign type. New features and capabilities are expected to be rolled out in 2024. But that's not all: video will become even more important in 2024, so be sure to think about how you can use video content within your online marketing strategy. AI and machine learning are also increasingly used within SEA. In 2023, AI developments have already taken place very quickly and it is expected that we will also become increasingly important in 2024. These technologies are used to personalize advertisements, improve the effectiveness of campaigns and generate new insights.

In short: in order to respond to customer needs, it is important to respond to the most important developments. This way you ensure that you make a difference with search engine advertising in 2024.

The influence of your quality score

There are two factors that influence where Google places your ad: your bidding strategy and your Quality Score. But, what exactly is this score? Your ad's Quality Score is essentially how well Google finds your page, relative to a customer's search query. For example, the presence of the search term on the page and in your advertisement is taken into account, but also at historical data such as your CTR (Click Through Ratio) and your further advertising history and its successes.

Your quality score in search engine advertising is extremely important, because you want to achieve the highest possible position in Google as cheaply as possible. If you have a high score, it means that you have to pay less on your CPC (Cost per Click). This score is always between 1-10. If you score a 7 or higher, you pay no extra costs and you even enjoy a lower price than competitors. If you score below this, Google will charge a higher price to be placed in the desired location.

Remarketing at SEA

Remarketing capitalizes on the art of repetition. You probably recognize it: you search for a product online and then find this product in your advertisements on social media. This reminds you of the product, so you take action more quickly. This is also easy to achieve with SEA: through smart targeting, you advertise to a target group that has previously been interested in your product, perhaps who have even been to your website. The text of your advertisement naturally also reflects this: by activating, you ensure that a potential customer chooses you as a specialist!

Determine search terms

Formulating your keywords is perhaps the most important part of search engine advertising. This allows you to determine how you want to be found and therefore where you put your budget. It's important that you advertise on exact keywords, as adding a space or not can make a difference. In addition, it is important to advertise to different target groups, who also use separate search terms.

Fortunately, finding these keywords doesn't have to be difficult. We previously mentioned the link with Google Analytics. This can be of great help, because, among other things, it creates an overview of which terms your website visitors use to get to your website. But we also recommend programs such as Semrush and Ahrefs: these show the general search volume in a certain region. By using these keywords in your ads, you know approximately how many people will see this.

Different campaign approaches

The approach of your search engine advertising campaigns has a major influence on how it will ultimately score. There are different campaign approaches, all of which will achieve different results. The differences here are in how exactly you work.

Exact keywords: if you aim for complete control over your advertisements, then you work with exact keywords. You determine the precise search term, which means that you can make a strict estimate of how many people will see your ad. However, this also means that you do not advertise on related search terms. If a potential customer makes a typo, your ad will not appea

Phrase search: If you want to target a larger group, it's smart to make phrase search your campaign approach. This means you advertise less precisely, but no less effectively. The reason phrase searching is effective is because properties are often added to a search query. For example, with your phrase “rent a boat” you not only advertise on “rent a boat”, but also on “rent a boat for beginners”, “rent a cheap boat”, etc.

Broad search: We probably don't have to tell you that Google is a smart search engine. But the fact that you can also use this intelligence with search engine advertising may be new to you. By using broad search, you not only advertise on an exact term, but also on related terms. If you advertise with the term “boat rental”, you will also appear in searches such as “cheap sailing” or “sailing activity”.

Determine target group

To be successful in search engine advertising, you need to know what your target group is. To do this, you conduct target group research: you look at demographic data and, if necessary, create a persona. By clearly putting your target group on paper, you also know how you can position yourself. Formulating your objectives becomes easier, as it is clearer what your target group wants and therefore how you can grow as a company. It is important to keep your target group in mind not only with search engine advertising, but also with all other communications you make with your company. This way you create a strong bond with your target group, which ultimately leads to bonding.


Why is determining your target group important for search engine advertising? Well, not everyone needs to see your ads: you get the most results from the ads that are shown to your target group. Fortunately, SEA gives you control over who sees your advertisements: you specify who will see your advertisements via your Ad Manager. If you focus on multiple target groups, make sure you create different targets. Targeting is very useful because it not only makes a difference in the text of your ad, but also in the ad type. For example, display advertising will work better for a younger target group than for an older one, because they use the internet more.

SEA strategy with campaign structure

Before you start with search engine advertising, it is important that you act based on a strong SEA strategy. We previously mentioned the essence of the right keywords, but these words alone are not enough. Other questions need to be answered, which together create a strategy that forms the basis on which you will conquer the market. We ask the most important questions for you!

What is a realistic budget? Within search engine advertising you will have to deal with different bidding strategies. Each of these handles your budget differently, so you have to carefully consider how much budget you want to spend on SEA in total. Of course, a higher budget means a higher result, but investing money in other services is also advisable.

What is the competition doing? In your competitive analysis we look at the behavior of your competitors. This is important to take into account, because you want to take a unique position. Of course it is good to compete on important keywords, but also try to focus on other keywords that will help you appear at the top.

Can I combine other services? Because search engine advertising allows you to appear at the top of Google's search results, it is a very suitable service to use cross-media. In your strategy you investigate the possibilities of this: first you look at which other services you want to use and then how you can connect them. For example, link to a page where your socials can be found, so that they also benefit from your advertisements in Google.

Outsource SEA to Traffic Today

You now know why search engine advertising is an effective service, but how you can achieve its correct implementation is not yet entirely clear. Search Engine Advertising with Traffic Today is the most suitable way to do this. We understand all too well how important Google is for a company, but also what Google wants to see from a company. Successfully responding to the wishes of customers within Google is therefore no problem for us: we have even proven to be quite successful with this over the years.

With us, the emphasis is not only on your objectives but also on the way we work towards them. We think it is important that your advertisements do not become a repeated success formula, but that they are truly a representation of your company. To make this come to life, we would first like to get to know you well. This way we know what your business philosophy is and we can act better based on this. Does this sound like music to your ears? Great, then we would like to collaborate with you. Contact one of our Ads specialists now and request an ads scan immediately.

Frequently asked questions about search engine advertising

In order to be able to make good analyzes of developments within the market, we do not save on tooling. By using omnichannels smartly, we can clearly identify what opportunities there are. For example, with the help of tools such as Trueclicks and Google Data Studio, we know which gaps organic search engine optimization (SEO) leaves behind and how we can then fill them with search engine advertising. To achieve this, we look for the right keywords through tools such as Ahrefs and Semrush and we use Google Analytics to analyze your target group. This allows us to create the right ads for you!

The terms SEO and SEA are very similar: not only in name, but also in terms of final result. The goal for both is to get as high as possible in Google. The difference between the two is the approach: where with search engine advertising you pay to appear at the top, this is not the case with search engine optimization. You adapt your website to the factors that Google takes into account to rank a website. This service is in principle free of charge, but it also offers no guarantee of results.

The Google Ads campaign is set up based on keywords that are relevant to your business. When someone types a keyword into Google, your ad appears. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The costs of outsourcing search engine advertising depend on the work we will carry out. We can carry out supporting work as well as implement the online strategy. Search engine advertising is a continuous process in which we have to carry out work every month to achieve the highest returns. We work for clients with a marketing budget of at least ₹50000 per month. Schedule a no-obligation consultation with our advisor about the costs.

The aim of search engine advertising is to quickly and easily reach the target group by appearing at the top of the search results. You choose this if you immediately want to generate more visitors to your website and more turnover.

Want to rank high in Google search results

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