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hand with SEO

03 Dec

SEO - Search engine optimization

Did you know that 80% of your website visitors find you through search engines such as Google? Optimizing your website or webshop for search engines is the best way to quickly generate more traffic. If you use this correctly, it will ensure, among other things, a higher position in Google,

Dynamic Website

17 Dec

What is the difference between a static and a dynamic website?

In the world of web design and development, there are two major categories of websites: static and dynamic websites. Although both types of websites have their own benefits and uses, they differ significantly in functionality and usage.

Advertising image

27 Dec

What is search engine advertising?

The best way to get the attention of your target group is to achieve a high position in Google. With search engine advertising you do exactly this! The name actually gives it away: you advertise your website in Google's search results.


21 March

Everything about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2024

In this guide, Techstreat Web Solution explains everything in plain language about search engine optimization (SEO) in 2024. With this search engine optimization guide at hand, you can do it too

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